Development of the electricity market price — Direct marketing (Power-Purchase-Agreement)
April 3, 2018 2:43 pmAgainst the background of the 0 cent bids, the question of the electricity market prices is a primary concern. The direct marketing of electricity could be a solution against negative market performances. A new form of direct marketing is the so-called Power-Purchase-Agreement, a contract between producers and companies with a fixed price. For whom are these contracts attractive? What are the advantages and risks? (Session D)
Chair: Oliver Moß, Senior Manager/Director PricewaterhouseCoopers
Dr. Nicolai Herrmann, Senior Consultant enervis energy advisors GmbH
Fabian Huneke, Senior Expert Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Jérôme Guillet, Managing Director Green Giraffe B.V.
Lars Kyrberg, Lawyer Bird & Bird LLP
Elizabeth Reid, Solicitor Bird & Bird LLP
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This post was written by Daniella