
15 November 2022

19:00 – 23:00 PTMEW / WINDFORCE Dinner

Motto: Partnerships for Cooperation – Gdańsk, Bremen and Pomorskie. Impressions and Perspectives


  • Monika Pochroń–Frankowska, Deputy Director of Chancellery of the Marshal for International and Interregional Cooperation, Office of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship
  • Dr Karolina Lipińska, Deputy Director Department for Economic Development, Office of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship
  • Randy Haubner, Senatskanzlei Bremen

16 November 2022

09:00 – 09:10 “Offshore Wind Targets in Poland and Germany”, Jakub Budzynski, PTMEW, and Heike Winkler, WAB e.V.

09:10 – 10:30 Possibilities and Cooperations in the Polish Offshore Wind Market:


Decarbonization in the supply chain: Status of legislation and cooperation between companies in implementing obligations, Dr Sebastian Konrads, Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte

  • “Production of Steel Components for Offshore Wind in Poland – Status and Potential”, Dr Florian Biehl, Technica Nova, Łukasz Kneba, CoMade Sp. z o.o
  • “Service and Maintenance of the Offshore WTGs”, Maciej Piersiński, BOTA Wind Energy
  • “Fleet Management of the Service Fleet for Offshore Wind”, Ernest Czermański, BOTA Green Offshore
  • “OSS Topside Fabrication”, Igor Gielniak, Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia S.A. (EPG)

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

Sponsor: Technica Nova

11:00 – 12:20 Possibilities and Cooperations in the Polish Offshore Wind Market:


Upcoming challenges in the Baltics: Insights into project execution, Thibaud Busse, SeaRenergy Offshore Holding

“Trends for Offshore Wind Monopile Foundations in Poland & Germany until 2030”, Jakub Seehafer, Steelwind Nordenham

“FRS Windcat Polska: Crew Transfer Vessels for the Polish Offshore Wind Industry”, Tim Kunstmann, FRS Windcat Polska

“Cross Border Contracting – a new Method for Preventing Legal Traps and Pitfalls in International Projects”, Dr Martin Lögering and Dr Johannes Trost, Lebuhn & Puchta

12:00 – 12:30 Ceremony: Joint Venture Polish / German Companies

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch & Networking

13:45 – 18:00 Site Visit Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia S.A. (EPG):

The EPG was established in 1953. EPG is a part of Baltic Industry Group run by Industrial Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A.) It specializes in delivery of advanced multidisciplinary steel structures for:

  • Offshore wind farms / renewable energy
  • Oil & Gas sector (offshore, subsea),
  • Specialized vessels deck equipment & port plant,
  • Onshore energy industry
  • Chemical & Petrochemical industry
  • Infrastructure.