Dr. Mareike LeimesterFraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Abteilung Systemtechnik / Research Associate Division System Technology
Mareike Leimeister is an Offshore Wind Engineer with special interest in floating offshore renewable energy systems.
She obtained the Bachelor of Science degree in Renewable Energies from Stuttgart University (Germany) and holds a double Master of Science degree in Offshore Engineering from TU Delft (the Netherlands)
as well as Technology – Wind Energy from NTNU (Norway), having followed the Offshore Engineering track of the Erasmus Mundus European Wind Energy Master.
In 2020, Mareike graduated as Doctor of Engineering from the Renewable Energy Marine Structures Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom),
focusing on reliability-based optimization of floating wind turbine support structures.
Since 2017, she is a research associate at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES.
She deals with global turbine dynamics and works on numerical modeling, load analyses, and optimization of floating wind turbine systems.
Furthermore, she coordinates and works on joint research projects, such as AFLOWT (an Interreg North-West Europe project) or BLOW (a Horizon Europe project)
on supporting an accelerated market uptake of floating wind technology, offshore test sites, and floating wind turbine demonstrators.