Patron: Dr. Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection - #stronger together: Offshore-Wind and maritime Industry, we are the base of the renewables - cooperation country Danmark    ++++    Patron: Dr. Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection - #stronger together: Offshore-Wind and maritime Industry, we are the base of the renewables - cooperation country Danmark    ++++    Patron: Dr. Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection - #stronger together: Offshore-Wind and maritime Industry, we are the base of the renewables - cooperation country Danmark    ++++    


Monday, 10 June 2024
  • Program in progress

We ask for registrations until May 31, 2024 to

The Construction of foundation excursion is fully booked!

Steelwind Nordenham GmbH

Steelwind Nordenham GmbH is a Dillinger Group company located in Nordenham. The company began manufacturing monopiles and transition pieces in 2014, and now also produces single-piece monopile foundations with unit weights of up to 2,400 tons. The single-piece monopile replaces the previous design with a separate monopile and transition piece by integrating certain parts of the transition piece into the monopile. The monopile can then be up to 120 meters long. The steel for the monopiles comes from Dillinger, Europe's leading heavy plate manufacturer, located in Saarland. SWN currently employs 275 people.

Start: 2.00 p.m.

Starting point: parking place in front of the Restaurant "Strandhalle",

Hermann-Henrich-Meier-Str. 1, 27568 Bremerhaven.

End: approx. 4:30 p.m.

Limited to 20 persons


The hydrogen excursion is fully booked!

PEM-Elektrolyseur, Hydrogen Refueling Station, HY.City.Bremerhaven GmbH & Co. KG

HY.City.Bremerhaven is realizing the establishment of the first hydrogen ecosystem along the entire hydrogen value chain in Bremerhaven with private sector involvement.

At the Grauwallring site in the Speckenbüttel industrial estate, a 2MW PEM electrolyzer is being built under an existing wind turbine to produce green hydrogen.

This hydrogen will be stored in compressed form in trailers using a filling system. HY.City.Bremerhaven is building a public hydrogen refueling station in front of the BremerhavenBus depot. This H2 filling station will be supplied with the trailers and the H2 buses of BremerhavenBus will be refuelled here in the future in order to realize climate-neutral and low-noise mobility in public transport.

This pioneering achievement by seven companies/partners was awarded the Bremen Environmental Prize in October 2023.

Starting point: 2:00 p.m.

Hermann-Henrich-Meier-Str. 1, 27568 Bremerhaven

Parking place in front of the Restaurant "Strandhalle"

End: approx. 4:00 p.m.

Limited to 12 persons


German WindGuard Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel (DWAA), Bremerhaven

The acoustically optimized large wind tunnel with a capacity of 1 Megawatt is particularly suitable for aeroacoustic measurements due to its special design and also enables investigations on relatively large components or realistic models. Calibration and functional tests of wind measuring devices at flow velocities of up to 100 m/s as well as R&D for industry and science are also carried out regularly.  

Meeting point: 2.00 p.m.

Hermann-Henrich-Meier-Str. 1, 27568 Bremerhaven

Arrival approx. 4.45 p.m.

We request registrations to


RelyOn Nutec Germany introduces itself...

We are a globally operating company with over 37 locations worldwide in the field of safety training and consulting.

Fully flexible - 24/7, 365 days a year. Everything, everywhere, at any time! Start: 14.30, end: approx. 16.30

Starting point: Parking lot in front of the restaurant "Strandhalle", Hermann-Henrich-Meier-Str. 1, 27568 Bremerhaven.

Limited to 20 people

Please register at


RelyOn Nutec GmbH

Am Handelshafen 8

27570 Bremerhaven

RIBTIDE speedboat

sponsored by: 

Meeting point: 2.30 p.m., Barkhausenstraße 4, 27568 Bremerhaven,

Container of Ribtide

Arrival approx. 4.30 p.m.

This excursion is limited to 12 people. The speed boat tour starts in the immediate vicinity of the meeting point (about 50 meters away). We recommend to bring weatherproof clothes and a change of clothes. You can get wet. Life jackets and rain jackets will be handed out on site. You will have enough time to go/drive to the hotel after the tour.

We request registrations to

Restaurant "Strandhalle", H.-H.-Meier-Str. 3, 27568 Bremerhaven
Moderation: Markus Nölke, Managing Director WAB e.V.

  • Nils Schnorrenberger, Managing Director BIS Bremerhavener Gesellschaft für Investitionsförderung und Stadtentwicklung mbH

sponsored by:


Restaurant "Strandhalle", H.-H.-Meier-Str. 3, 27568 Bremerhaven


Parking facilities: 

Parking is available directly in the large parking lot in front of the Strandhalle or in the parking garage of the Klimahaus diagonally opposite.

We are looking forward to a performance by the Ladies Shanty Choir "Hafenperlen“ from Nordenham.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Halls of the Heinrich Rönner Group

Am Lunedeich 158, 27572 Bremerhaven

Chair: Markus Nölke, Managing Director, WAB

  • Thorsten Rönner, Managing Partner Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven GmbH, Managing Partner BREDO DRY DOCKS GmbH

  • Kristina Vogt, Senator for Economics, Ports and Transformation, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

Chair: Dr. Dennis Kruse, Deputy Chairman of the Board WAB e.V.

  • Ina Kamps, Head of Offshorewind Germany, BP Europa SE

  • Daniel Hosseus, Managing Director, Central Association of German Seaport Operators e.V.

  • Connor Schulze, Business Development Manager, Renewables, Fugro Germany Marine GmbH

  • Felix Lindschau, Senior Legal Counsel, Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum II GmbH & Co. KG
Conference Exhibition- and Catering Bereich
Location: Press tent on the premises of the Heinrich Rönner Group halls,

Am Lunedeich 158, 27572 Bremerhaven

Please register by 7 June 2024 at    
Chair: Bjoern Wittek, Board member WAB e.V. 

  • Connor Schulze, Business Development Manager, Renewables, Fugro Germany Marine GmbH

Place of event: outdoor area, PNE Lounge
Chair: Andreas Wenzel, CEO, German-Danish Chamber of Commerce

  • Denmark’s Ambitious Energy Policy, Andreas Wenzel, CEO Deutsch-Dänische Handelskammer

  • Expanding Offshore Wind Capacities, Dr Elmar Friedrich, Market Director Germany, Copenhagen Offshore Partners

  • Hydrogen Production in Denmark – transforming wind power into molecules, Anja Benz, Manager Regulatory Affairs, RPA Germany & P2X Europe, Global Regulatory & Public Affairs, Ørsted

Dr Matthias Baeßler, Head of Engineering, BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

Dr. Sigurd Weise, Senior Engineer, Jörss-Blunck-Ordemann JBO GmbH

  • Digital building managment for OWEC-structures,  Dr Matthias Baeßler, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)

  • Digitization prospects for steel condition monitoring of wind power structures, Dr Andreas Momber, Head of R&D, Muehlhan Holding GmbH

  • From paper checklists to automated reports - digitization of reports, Alexander Tschirch, Project manager, mh2 offshore GmbH

  • Status quo on digitalisation: current practical examples and outlook, Thomas Zapp, Managing Director, GreenGate AG, Andreas Küchler, Information Security Officer, WindMW Services GmbH

  • Panel discussion with the speaker
Conference Exhibition- and Catering Bereich
Moderation: Jens Assheuer, Vorstandsvorsitzender WAB e.V.

  • Financing as a bottleneck in the offshore wind energy supply chain, Markus Nölke, Managing Director, WAB e.V.

  • Current financing options for the energy transition for companies, Alexander Klein, Vice Präsident KfW Bankengruppe, Department Director Product Development and Product Management of Commercial Environmental and Climate Products

  • The energy transition as a transnational task - funding opportunities through Interreg, Nora Crossey, Nationale Kontaktstelle Interreg Nord West Europa

  • The energy transition as a European task - funding opportunities through EU programs, Claudia Harms, European Affairs Officer of the City of Bremerhaven, Department of Economics, Tourism and Science

  • Introduction of Bremen's innovation funding opportunities, Anna Lena Garms, Consultant for funding programmes, BIS Bremerhavener Gesellschaft für Investitionsförderung und Stadtentwicklung mbH
Chair: Norbert Giese, Board member WAB e.V.

  • European Offshore Wind Market Update, Lizet Ramirez, Senior Analyst for the Wind Energy Supply Chain, WindEurope asbl/vzw

  • Supply chain opportunities in Scotland – 30 GW pipeline of Offshore Wind projects, Meinolf Otto, Global Business Development Specialist (FDI), Scottish Development International

  • Market entry in Poland - opportunities and risks for SMEs, Natalia Kress, Managing Director, SeaRenergy Poland and authorized signatory SeaRenergy Offshore Holding GmbH

  • Unlocking port infrastructure for the energy transition: The importance of crowding in private capital, João Metelo, CEO and Founder, Gateway Zero, Inc., US
Next Program: Dinner


Hallen der Heinrich Rönner Gruppe Am Lunedeich 158, 27572 Bremerhaven
Hallen der Heinrich Rönner Gruppe Am Lunedeich 158, 27572 Bremerhaven
Opening and Chair: Markus Nölke, Managing Director WAB e.V.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Chair: Rainer Heidorn, Lawyer, BLANKE MEIER EVERS, Rechtsanwälte in Partnerschaft mbB


Chair: Prof Dr Iven Kraemer, Head of the Port Management & Shipping Division, The Senator for Economics, Ports and Transformation Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

  • Offshore wind demand a new era in port operations, Dr Master Mariner, Dennis Jul Pedersen, CEO Port Esbjerg

  • The potential of wind energy for the seaports of Lower SaxonyDr. Dennis Kruse, Managing Director of Deutsche WindGuard GmbH

  • Energy transition and security of supply using the example of the seaports of Lower Saxony/Cuxhaven, Dirk Leibfried, Senior Manager Marketing und Sales, Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG

  • EnergyPort Bremerhaven. A port for the energy transition on the German North Sea coast, Dr. Saskia Greiner, Innovation Manager Hydrogen, BIS Bremerhavener Gesellschaft für Investitionsförderung und Stadtentwicklung mbH, Marvin Kiel, Port development, bremenports GmbH
Conference Exhibition- and Catering Bereich
Chair: Dr Carsten Buehrer, Business field development and engineering, PNE AG

  • System Integration of Hydrogen Production from Offshore Wind, Dr Eva Schmid, Head of Hydrogen & Synthetic Energy Carriers Division, Maximilian Hierhammer, Expert Hydrogen and Synthetic Energy Carriers, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)

  • A new plan for the energy transition: The significance of the power plant strategy for offshore wind energy, Elena Dahlem, Energy Market Analyst, energy brainpool

  • Electricity market - current status and challenges on the way to 100% renewable energies, Marco Wünsch, Principal, Prognos AG
Chair: Dr Dennis Kruse, Vice chairman of the WAB board

  • On the way to a national and European hydrogen network, Lisa Jakob, Paul Breunig, Lawyer, Blanke Meier Evers Rechtsanwälte in Partnerschaft mbB

  • Status update on offshore hydrogen production, Luc Graré, Head of Central and Eastern Europe, Lhyfe Germany GmbH

  • Offshore electrolysis with sprinter approach and acceleration measures must finally begin, Andreas Wellbrock, Managing Partner NorthH2 Projektgesellschaft mbH

  • Offshore electrolysis in the energy system of the future, Dennis Faber, Planning engineer offshore, Amprion GmbH
Conference exhibition- and catering area
Chair: Dr Martin P. Lögering, Lawyer, GRAT Disputes Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwält:innen mbB

  • Corporate obligations for decarbonization and sustainability cooperations, Dr  Sebastian Konrads, Lawyer, Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB

  • Climate Clauses – ‘Greening’ the Contractual Landscape, Dr Martin P. Lögering, Lawyer, GRAT Disputes Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwält:innen mbB

  • Measurement Monitoring and Verification of marine CCS projects, Sören Themann, CEO / CTO, Subsea Europe Service GmbH
Chair: Matthias Brandt, Board member WAB e.V.

  • Use of new technologies by service providers - an industry in transition, Michael Pett, Business Development Manager, OIS Offshore Industrie Service GmbH

  • Are there more effective methods for tightening large bolted connections of tower segments of wind turbines up to M72 than the methods known to date? Patrick Junkers, Managing Director, HYTORC - Barbarino & Kilp GmbH

  • Acoustic partial discharge measurements in electrical engineering, Christian Hannover, Electrical engineering specialist, Omexom Renewable Energies Offshore GmbH

Conference Exhibition- and Catering Bereich
Chair: Jens Assheuer, Chairman of the Executive Board, WAB e.V.

  • How new turbines impact assumptions for operations! A reflection on DNVs White Paper on turbine reliability risk assessment in the light of ever-increasing turbine sizes, Peter Frohböse, Segment Lead Offshore Wind, Region Northern Europe, DNV

  • Use of remote optical methods in the context of recurring inspections on rotor blades - initial experiences in the offshore sector, Aeneas Noordanus, Sales Manager Onshore & Offshore, Deutsche Windtechnik Offshore und Consulting GmbH

  • Foundation lifetime management – benefits and importance of joint structural health monitoring (SHM) and detailed design insights, Bernd Wölfel, Head Offshore solutions Wölfel Engineering GmbH + Co. KG, Frank Ostermann, Head of Offshore Loads and Structural Dynamics, Jörss-Blunck-Ordemann GmbH

  • Smart solutions for construction and maintenance with predictive tools, Sebastian Pesdicek, Business Development Engineer, Plarad Maschinenfabrik Wagner GmbH & Co. KG
Chair: Andreas Wellbrock, Managing Partner NorthH2 Projektgesellschaft mbH

  • The role of the supply chain in the construction of offshore hydrogen wind farms in the German North Sea, Mo. Siddiqui, Senior Business Development Manager, RWE Offshore Wind GmbH

  • Hydrogen Lab Bremerhaven - Focus on the challenge of offshore production, Kevin Schalk, Groupleader Hydrogen Lab Bremerhaven, Fraunhofer-Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES
  • Evaluating discharge to sea of heated brine from offshore hydrogen production, Dr Elin Steinsland, CEO HydePoint, Norway

  • MariSynFuel - Synthetic methanol as a maritime fuel for shipping from Bremerhaven, Fabian Klein, Competence field manager SynFuels, ttz Bremerhaven
Thursday, 13 June 2024

Foto: RWE

Excursion to the offshore wind farm, "Nordsee Ost"

The "Nordsee Ost" offshore wind farm is located approx. 30 km north of the island of Helgoland. It was commissioned in 2015 with 48 offshore wind turbines of the type Senvion 6.2M126 from RWE with a total output of 295 megawatts.

Information on the "Nordsee Ost" offshore wind farm

The excursion with the "Halunder Jet" starts at 1.30 pm from the island of Helgoland, to which you will return at around 3.30 pm.

The excursion is organized by:

Fee Helgoland - Nord See Ost - Helgoland: 55,00 Euro


Round trip Helgoland (plus Nordsee Ost departure fee)

13.6.24 from Cuxhaven 11:15 a.m., Helgoland, approx. 66.00 euros (depending on deck class), arrival Cuxhaven approx. 6:15 p.m.

Arrival and parking information Cuxhaven

Departure address: Am Alten Hafen, 27472 Cuxhaven

13.6.24 from Hamburg 9:00 a.m., Cuxhaven, Helgoland, approx. 130.00 euros (depending on deck class), arrival Hamburg approx. 8:30 p.m.

Discount code:

FRS Helgoline grants all conference participants a 10% discount for the round trip to Helgoland. Please enter the discount code Windforce24 when booking the crossing online or by telephone.

Booking ferry crossing: