Chair:Dr Carsten BuehrerPNE AG
Geschäftsfeldentwicklung und Engineering / Business field development and engineering
In his professional career Mr. Bührer gained in depth and hands on expertise in areas of renewable energy industries, electric utilities, and the metals working sector.
He successfully implemented new and high-efficiency technologies and applications.
Based on his experience in multiple technology fields his strength lies in the development of customer-oriented solutions with industrial partners in multinational teams.
He developed and implemented market strategies for extending renewable energies to PtX solutions. Amongst those market driven domestic and export oriented PtX projects and energy supply concepts for industrial consumers.
Carsten Bührer holds a Ph.D. in physics with additional expertise in business administration and many years of management experience. His priority fields are in new technology applications for industry and power utility systems.
In 2009 he was awarded the German Environmental Award.