Dirk Leibfried
Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG

Senior Manager Marketing und Vertrieb / Senior Manager Marketing und Sales

Dirk Leibfried has a degree in economics and has been working at Niedersachsen Ports for over 10 years. As Senior Manager Marketing and Sales, he is responsible for the Marketing & Sales division.

After training as a banker and studying economics at the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim, he worked as an authorised signatory for the commercial implementation of onshore wind farms at one of Germany’s largest project developers and operators.

In 2005, he moved from the onshore to the offshore sector of the industry and was one of the first employees of BARD in Bremen.

From 2013 to 2023, he coordinated all offshore projects in the Cuxhaven branch of the DOIZ (German Offshore Industry Centre) for Lower Saxony Ports.