Claus Sejersen
Head of Innovative Services ROBUR Wind
59 years old, married and 2 adult children. Since 1993 living in NRW. In 2003 first contact with the wind industry at Svendborg Brakes. Manufacturer of hydraulic brake systems – mainly for wind turbines. Managing Director and responsible for wind activities worldwide. This includes the establishment of production facilities in Germany, Denmark and China as well as sales organisations in the USA, China, Japan, South Korea and India. In 2010 change to Jupiter Composites (manufacturer of GRP enclosures for hubs and nacelles) with 500 employees and own manufacturing facilities in the USA, China, Poland and Denmark. As Co-CEO responsible for worldwide sales and distribution. In 2014, after more than 10 years of commuting between Germany and Denmark, he joined REETEC in Bremen as technical director and from 2018 on as sales director. After the recent merger of REETEC with ROBUR Wind, he is responsible for “Innovative Services”, i.e. everything that has to do with production and production services, including the obstacle marking portfolio. Was co-founder of the Danish Wind Export Association (DWEG) and chairman until 2018.