Christian MeyerLower Saxony Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection
Since 2022
Lower Saxony Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection
2017 until 2022
Deputy Chairman of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen state parliamentary group
2013 to 2017
Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Since 2008
Member of the Lower Saxony state parliament
2004 to 2008
Managing Director of the Förderverein Ökologische Steuerreform e.V. (Association for the Promotion of Ecological Tax Reform)
Worked for MEP Hiltrud Breyer in the areas of climate protection, environment, energy, animal welfare and nuclear phase-out in Berlin and Brussels
1996 until 2002
Studied economics, public law, political science and media studies at the University of Göttingen, graduating with a degree in social economics
Civilian service in the speech therapy kindergarten of the Lebenshilfe, Holzminden
High school diploma in Holzminden
July 23, 1975
Born in Holzminden