Prof Dr Wolfgang LukasOffshore Wind Energy MBA
- Professor of Management, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences
- Founder and director of the “Institute for Management and Economics
- Founder of the “Offshore Wind Energy MBA” within the EU-Interreg project “Inn2POWER” (2016-2021)
- Studied sociology at the universities of Regensburg and Bielefeld,
- Doctorate in Bielefeld with R. Grathoff and N. Luhmann
- Training in systemic counselling at the Institute for
- systemic counselling, Wiesloch with Dr. Bernd Schmid
Professional background
1991 Organisational consultant in the corporate development department of Schering AG
1993 Head of Human Resources Policies at AgrEvo GmbH
1997 Managing Director of AgrEvo A/S (Copenhagen)
1999 Professor of Corporate Management at the University of Applied Sciences Ostfriesland, Oldenburg, Wilhelmshaven, Emden
2000 Professor of Management, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences