Nora DeneckeFraunhofer Institute for Windenergy Systems IWES
Abteilungsleiterin Wasserstofflabore und Feldtests /
Head of Department Hydrogen Laboratories and Field Tests
Nora Denecke, a graduate physicist, was responsible for field measurements on wind turbines as a senior engineer at Areva Wind GmbH, later Adwen. Her focus was on power curve measurements of offshore wind turbines and type certification measurements in general. In addition, she was responsible for the technical specification and execution of internal validation measurements and evaluations. Currently, she is the department head of the Hydrogen Laboratories and Field Testing Department at Fraunhofer IWES and technical laboratory manager of the accredited area for field measurements on wind turbines. Her department is home to the setup and operation of the three hydrogen laboratories in Leuna, Görlitz and Bremerhaven (www.hydrogen-labs.fraunhofer.de).