Visit of Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH
Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH, founded in 2002, develops and manufactures ship, mobile harbor and offshore cranes.
Its product portfolio also includes reach stackers and components for container cranes.
The factory's direct connection to the Baltic Sea offers the best logistical conditions - especially for the worldwide distribution of the large-dimensioned equipment,
which have lifting capacities of up to 5,000 tons. In addition, the location helps to strengthen the Group's international market position in the field of maritime cranes.

Live-demonstration USV survey and HAUV underwater inspection Subsea Europe Services GmbH / North.io GmbH
Accelerate your offshore projects now
From data acquisition to informed decision-making
Subsea Europe Services and North.ion will show you how to simplify the acquisition and management of marine data in a live demo.
Data is key to successful offshore projects. It helps you to minimize risks, reduce costs, and improve efficiency.
Subsea Europe Services is a specialist in autonomous surveys and underwater inspection.
The company offers a wide range of autonomous systems for the acquisition of marine data, including underwater drones, such as HAUVs and autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs). Subsea Europe Services demonstrates live in Rostock harbor the most efficient systems for marine surveying and underwater inspection.
Martac T12 Survey USV and BeeX HAUV

North.io provides companies, governments and professionals with the cloud-based technology they need to use geo-data with speed and ease, to move their projects forward - on land and at sea.
TrueOcean is a cloud-based data platform that organizes marine data for offshore projects. TrueOcean makes marine, georeferenced data accessible, discoverable, shareable, visualizable, and understandable. Digitalization and standardization of data streams enable automation, making projects more efficient and saving resources. With TrueOcean, access to information is also possible for non-experts.

Visit of the FRS Windcat HYDROCAT 55
FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics GmbH offers a tour of the world's first hydrogen-powered Crew Transfer Vessel "HYDROCAT 55" for the German offshore wind industry.
The HYDROCAT 55 integrates a hydrogen solution into the well known and proven Windcat MK3.5 design.
The vessel is equipped with 3 hydrogen racks. Each rack contains 9 cylinders that store hydrogen at 350 bar.
More information:
HYDROCAT 55 Fact-Sheet
The HYDROCAT 55 will be available for viewing throughout the conference day on 21/11/23, especially during conference breaks.
The visit and arrival of the HYDROCAT 55 is highly dependent on the weather in November.
A final confirmation of the visit can only be given a few days before the conference!
Pickup point:
Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne
Am Yachthafen 1
18119 Rostock