WINDFORCE 2022CarstenWibel
Born in Wilhelmshaven in 1961, Carsten-Söhnke Wibel has been happily married for over 36 years and has two daughters. After completing his training at the Lloyd shipyard in Bremerhaven, Carsten-S. Wibel first sailed on bulk carriers for the shipping company FRIGGA, in tramp shipping for the shipping company CONTIMAR and on a BACO dock ship from 1983. He then studied marine engineering – first in Bremerhaven, then in Hamburg for family reasons. After graduating successfully, Carsten sailed for several years as a technical officer with the Hamburg-based BUGSIER shipping company: first on their “Este-Jumbo” freighters for several charterers worldwide, then in the North Sea and Baltic Sea on various harbour and sea tugs including the salvage tug HERMES, the last two years as 2nd TO on the salvage tug OCEANIC. He then spent two years in R&D at the GAUSS Institute in Bremen, where he was involved in the development of the RAL “Blue Angel” seal of quality, among other things. This was followed by another 17 years at BUGSIER, this time on land as project manager “Coastal Protection”. During this time, he developed, among other things, the emergency tug NORDIC and other special ships. Since 2018, he has been working for ABEKING & RASMUSSEN in sales for special ships. In the meantime, he is managing director of A&R Spezialschiffbau GmbH. Carsten is involved in voluntary work as chairman of the NSMT standards committee “Offshore Wind” and as head of the working group “Environmental Protection” of the German Nautical Association.