WINDFORCE 2022MatthieuMonnier
Deputy CEO, France Énergie Éolienne FEE
Matthieu is Deputy CEO of the French wind energy association – France Energie Eolienne – (FEE), especially in charge of offshore wind, expertises and territories. Deeply involved in the energy transition in France, he has a 10 years experience in public affairs and consulting through the French administration (Ministry for the Ecological Transition, international affairs department and Business France in Germany) mainly and works at FEE since 2014 where he started as a industry & offshore wind advisor. He’s a specialist of the public policy for the offshore wind development in France (regulation, energy road map, supply chain, development of floating wind etc.). He is also in charge of the European affairs at FEE. Matthieu holds a master’s degree in European studies and international relations from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and has a strong background in History and Geography.