WINDFORCE 2022Torstenvon Haaren
President of the City Parliament, Bremerhaven
Torsten von Haaren is a member of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and has been communal councilor since 2011. Throughout this period, he acted as spokesman in the range of sports as well as for the fields of labor, social affairs and school matters. Before Torsten von Haaren was elected Stadtverordnetenvorsteher (President of the City Parliament) in 2019, he was holding the office of deputy parliamentary leader of the Bremerhaven SPD.
The City of Bremerhaven with its approx. 118.000 inhabitants is situated in the northern triangle formed by the Elbe and Weser rivers. Thanks to its geographical position, Bremerhaven has become not only an attractive place of excursions but, furthermore, an ideal location both for maritime science and the wind power industry.