Stephan Wrage
CEO, Skysails Group
Stephan Wrage is the founder of SkySails Group GmbH and Chairman of the Executive Board. He is in charge of Sales, Public Relations, Investor Relations and Business Development.
After having completed his studies in industrial engineering and having worked for several years as an IT consultant and management trainer, Stephan Wrage founded SkySails in 2001. His vision of using the power of the wind to tow cargo ships with large kites became reality for the first time in 2007. Since then SkySails has developed continuously: In addition to towing kite systems for luxury yachts and software solutions for fuel reduction in shipping, SkySails develops, produces and markets airborne wind energy systems.
In 2004 Stephan Wrage was honored by the British JCI with the Outstanding Young Person Award for the development of the SkySails towing kite system. In 2008 he was awarded the title “Eco-Manager of the Year” by the WWF and Capital magazine.